Coming back from a Muskegon beach restaurant, we ventured into Kruse Park. Known as a great dog park, we were disappointed to have heard it was closed earlier this year due to the winter beach erosion. Over six months ago. Surely they have fixed the stairs by now? Nope. The beach access boardwalk showed no sign of imminent repairs. The same signs that were posted back in January remain. Sad to see the damage not repaired. They had asked people not to access the beach “via other routes” as it could damage the dunes.
People will wait only so long for government to act. Or maybe not wait at all. While the beach was not crowded, more than a few dogs and their owners are making their way down the steep dunes to play in the water.
Six months of no action on what looks like a relatively simple repair. Meanwhile, the city has managed to convert their beach parking lots to metered parking. How about using a little of that cash to repair the Kruse Park boardwalk stairs? Dogs gotta play. And so do humans.