Yesterday we cruised up to Pere Marquette beach again. But this time, unlike all the other times, we took a right turn instead of a left. There is was, only a couple thousand feet away from over favorite beach shack restaurant. Dockers. Just a tiny bit inland from Lake Michigan in a small marina. Popping my drone up only a few dozen feet, there was the view of Lake Michigan.
A stuck gimbal on my drone, pictures went sideways, then became impossible.
Thus, we sat back, relaxed, enjoyed the view and ordered fantastic food. This is a seafood place we will return to again and again. How is it we waited so long to visit? We were so close to Dockers over and over again. Yet really never went.
Reminded me in a small way of when we lived in St Louis. Our neighbors were lifelong St Louis residents, and had never visited the arch. Not once. Or when we lived in Oregon, neighbors that had never been to the top of Mt Hood, or visited Mt St Helens. Or Crater Lake, Or the redwoods. Or the sand dune that stretch twelve miles inland in places.
Sure, one great restaurant can be missed. It hardly equates to missing world famous landmarks when you live … right there!!!
Life is full of those times, small and large, where …. sometimes, it’s just right there, but you just can’t see it.