If you have been with me since Day 200, you know this blog wanders. I like to view it as purposefully multi-faceted. The obvious and perhaps mundane day-to-day in preparing to move to Michigan. Stories of the past. Current observations of Michigan. What comes to my mind on a daily basis.
But always there, deeper, is the journey to a new path. It is my personal journey. It is my personal new path. In no way am I advocating for others to leave their jobs, sell or donate everything and move to a simpler life. I have the opportunity to do this… few others do right now.
There are many good and valuable paths. My hope is that you actively choose yours. And reevaluate from time to time during your life.
I have a favorite movie that some may find religious… but it need not be… it is about paths… seeing the possibilities… choosing paths… and dedicating yourself to it even when many others are convinced you are wrong.
Full movie can be found and streamed on the internet
Nice clip below